Wednesday, November 27, 2013

These Are a Few of My Favorite Things...

So, as promised, I'm making a REAL post tonight!!  I'm in love with watching "monthly favorites" videos on Youtube, so I decided to blog about my November favorites!

Favorite 1).  My new Keurig
I've been dying for a Keurig.  Basically so I could play with the K Cups.  What I wasn't dying over, though, was the price tag.  I mean, one hundred and some odd bucks for a coffee machine?  No thanks, I'll take my thirty dollar Hamilton Beach coffee maker that served me through college.

Then, oh then, I came across the Mr. Coffee "Keurig." Still, at about eighty dollars, it was a bit steep for a coffee maker.  I used my employee discount, and still paid a little over seventy bucks.  However, I officially dub this coffee maker the best seventy dollars I have ever spent.

Not to mention, the peach Snapple K Cups are little bits of heaven.  I was going to make them a "favorites" of their own, but I wanted to keep this post a bit smaller than a novel.

***Fun K Cup Fact: If you are using one of the coffee K Cups (I haven't tried this with the tea, and the hot chocolates and cappuccinos won't work for this because they dissolve after the first brew), brew them first on the bigger setting, flip the K Cup 180 degrees, then brew again on the smaller setting!  Where the hole gets punched in the bottom for the first brew is off-center, so flipping the K Cup hits the grounds that haven't been brewed through yet.  The result: more coffee for your K Cup (which add up fast, so every bit more helps IMHO).

Favorite 2): L'Oreal Total Repair Line

So, after coloring and heat styling my hair, it is damaged with a capital D.  I bought the whole line of Total Repair products, looking for some help that doesn't equal cutting off all of my hair.  I haven't had a haircut in 2 years, and I plan on keeping it that way for a while.  So I trimmed off about an inch of beyond-repair damage, and started using this system religiously.

How I use it: First, after brushing the tangles out of my hair, I apply the conditioner to the last six inches of my hair.  I saw on a youtube video about growing long hair that applying conditioner to the end of your hair helps to keep the shampoo from hitting your ends and sucking the moisture out of them out even more.  Then, I hop in the shower and wash my hair with the shampoo.  Next, instead of using the conditioner, I apply the hair balm as my conditioner and let it work it's wonders while I take care of the rest of my shower essentials.  Finally, after getting out of the shower, I apply the dry oil to my hair and either braid it if it's before I go to bed, or blow dry my hair if I'm getting ready for work.

My thoughts on the system: The hair balm claims to erase 1 year's worth of damage in 1 minute.  That claim was a bit of a stretch, because that definitely didn't happen.  However, I do think my hair is healthier after using the system, and it's not as fried looking as it used to be.  It's definitely favorite-worthy.

Favorite 3): Bath and Body Works Vanilla Bean Noel

Oh my word.  If you have never tried this scent, you are missing out big time.  Think of baking sugar cookies in the middle of December with snow gently falling from the nighttime sky.  Now put it in a bottle.  That, my dear, is Vanilla Bean Noel.

Note: If you only get one product, go for the Triple Moisture Body Cream.  The scent lasts for hours and is only moisturizing, not greasy in the least.

Please, run to your nearest Bath and Body Works and try this scent.  You'll thank me later (if you're part of the minority that hates it, however, I had nothing to do with it!).

Favorite 4): My Spongebob Piggy Bank

Confession time.  I'm the biggest Spongebob fanatic that you'll ever meet before it turns creepy.  Another confession: I collect piggy banks.  So, when I found these little numbers back in August, I had to get the Spongebob for me, and the Patrick for my best friend.

Then, I had to pick up the Patrick one for myself because I just adore the set.

I never spend change, ones, or fives.  All of my change and my ones go into Spongebob, and the fives go into Patrick.  It's not much, but the little savings certainly are adding up.  The money in those 2 banks were actually how I bought my keurig!

My Final Favorite: Braids

Time for another confession.  I tend to get lazy once it gets cold when it comes to doing my hair and makeup.  It's just so cold outside, and my bed is so warm...I don't feel like getting ready any sooner than I have to.  However, I still like to look presentable for work.  The easiest way to look pulled together is a braid.  From french braids, to side braids, to waterfall braids, they never disappoint.  I actually got complimented the other day on one of my braids, and it was super easy!! I french-braided my grown-out bangs, tied them off with a small rubber band at about my ear, and then pulled the rest of my hair into a simple side braid.  The whole look probably took me ninety seconds to do, but it was super cute!

For fun braid ideas, you need to check out Cute Girls Hairstyles on youtube!! Seriously, Mindy comes up with the best ideas.  Better yet, a lot of them look complex, yet are super simple!!

Well, that's about all for this time.  I hope you enjoyed this post as much as I enjoyed writing it!  Comment below some of YOUR November favorites!! I love reading your comments and checking out new products.  Any blog requests are also welcome!!

Last, but most certainly not least, have a Happy Thanksgiving!! Thanksgiving and the first day of Hanukkah fall on the same day this year, so have some latkes next to your turkey (and be thankful you're not me that day pulling a 12-hour mandatory shift...)!



Note: None of the images in today's post were mine. They were all found courtesy of google images.
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Monday, November 25, 2013

Super Quick Update.

Hey all!

So, a super quick update of some posts to look forward to after the Thanksgiving/Black Friday CRAZIES settle down:

1.) A super ginormous Bath and Body Works haul.  I went a little a lot nuts on the Bath and Body Works website. I had a 25% off coupon, and they were having a Buy 3 Get 3 Free sale (still going on...and probably will be, at least until after Christmas because that's how they roll).

2.) How to get free things by using coupons.  Yes, it's possible.  Yes, I've done it.  Every time I post it on Facebook I get comments and questions, and I have just decided that I'm going to make a post about it.

3.) My big fat secret struggle.  Yes, that's very vague.  However, this is a touchy, yet important topic to me and will open up a lot about me.

4.) My favorites.  I love watching these videos on Youtube, and reading about them, so I am going to gather up some of MY current favorites and make a post about it!

Honestly, I WILL have a real post up the Sunday after Black Friday (six days from now).  It's my next day off, and I feel like I'm neglecting my blog.  I've just been working insane hours and Black Friday (technically Thanksgiving) is a 12 hour shift...and it's just nuts.  I'm sorry.  I constantly say that I'm not going to go so long without a post again, and then...well, this happens.

I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving...and, if you didn't know, the first day of Hanukkah is on Thanksgiving this year!!  So have yourself some latkes, too!!


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Friday, November 1, 2013

I'm Sick of Feeling Sick.

So, funny how things work. I had planned on starting the Whole30 eating program. Instead, I gorged myself on candy, cookies, cakes, and basically the least whole foods you could think of.

And wanna know something?

I still feel like garbage. Constantly.

My stomach doesn't necessarily hurt, but it feels gross all the time.  Like I've constantly eaten too much. I have no energy. I'm not losing any more weight (although I haven't gained...thankfully).  My hair is dull, flat, and lifeless.  My nails are breaking off.  Overall, I feel and look like poop. My body is still screaming at me to cut the crap, and what do I do?  I continue to stuff sugar, simple carbs, cokes, bad fats, and everything disgusting into it.  I'm shocked that I haven't gained any weight back, to be honest.  I'm still 32 pounds down.  However, being the first of the month, it's time for another fresh start.

Since I work night shift, I consider my "first" of the month actually the night of the first going into the second.  So, starting now, I'm giving Whole30 a serious go this time.  I'll still keep the general guidelines I wrote about last time.  However, this time, I have experience on my side.  It's very vivid to me right now how just plain bad I feel when I go off the plan.  It disgusts me.

Is this going to be perfect?  I sincerely doubt it.  I mean, Thanksgiving is this month and I will eat a slice of pumpkin pie.  Will I, however, eat 4 bags of Halloween candy, drink 2 liters of pop a day, and stuff my body full of white sugar and hydrogenated fats?  Not this time!  If it's not water or tea, I'm not drinking it daily.  If it wasn't grown or raised on a farm, I'm not eating it.  I'm through with feeling bad about myself.  I'm through with "feeling" fat (because fat's not a feeling but I seem to be feeling it lately!).  I'm sick and tired of feeling sick and tired.

This is where my dear readers come in!  I'm about to be that girl.  You all know one.  The person who takes pictures of their food before they eat it.  People like that always used to irritate me.  I didn't understand why they couldn't just pick up a fork and dig in.  I get it's the accountability (well, for me at least).  I'm going to feel SUPER accountable making potentially all of the internet see what I'm eating.  I tried keeping a food journal, but that just felt like a daunting task.  I constantly have my phone with me.  I don't have to worry about carrying around a journal, and making sure I had a pen, or trying to remember everything I ate.  Now, I'm not going to post it all at once.  I'm thinking about doing bi-weekly posts with 3-4 days worth of my meals and snacks.  Please, I am nearly begging you all to keep me accountable with this.  Tell me when I'm eating dumb!  Encourage me when I'm eating well.  Just say me, knowing people are actually reading this will make me really want to do this.

Hopefully this goes better this time around.  I need this for myself.


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